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Welcome to the University of Liverpool Mentoring Network

The primary purpose of the University of Liverpool Mentoring Network is to provide a whole insitution approach to supporting staff to grow and develop in their role and beyond.

Although the network is managed by The Academy, who promote the network, recruit and develop mentors and mentees, and develop members through training and events and evaluate the value through monitoring success, it's success depends on the contribution from those who put themselves forward to mentor others.


The network enables colleagues to offer mentoring locally where their department has its own scheme or across the University where there is no specified local arrangement.  It is also at the discretion of the mentor, in agreement with their line manager, to choose how much time they wish to commit to mentoring.

Mentee Benefits
Having a mentor can help you explore new approaches to deal with challenges in relation to your personal and professional development. A mentor will challenge, guide and encourage you to reflect, analyse and take action towards your own personal goals and aspirations.
Mentor Advantages
Mentoring others helps supports your own growth, provides increased job satisfaction, helps develop a range of communication and interpersonal skills and enhances your self awareness and reflective practice.
Opening Doors
Whether you are aiming for career progression, improved networking, enhancements in your working practices or greater insight into the barriers and challenges that are limiting your growth, then a mentor may be able to help.